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来源:考研招生网 liuhuimin 2022-12-26
  SectionⅠUse of English(英语知识运用部分)
  Caravanserais were roadside inns that were built along the Silk Road in areas including China,North Africa and the Middle East.They were typically __1_ outside the walls of a city or village and were usually funded by governments of _2__.
  This word“Caravanserais”is a __3__ of the Persian word“karvan”,which means a group of travellers or a caravan,and seray,a palace or enclosed building.The Perm caravan was used to __4__ groups of people who travelled together across the ancient network for safety reasons,__5__ merchants,travellers or pilgrims.
  From the 10th century onwards,as merchant and travel routes become more developed,the __6__ of the Caravanserais increased and they served as a safe place for people to rest at night.Travellers on the Silk Road __7__ possibility of being attacked by thieves or being __8__ to extreme conditions.For this reason,Caravanserais were strategically placed __9__ they could be reached in a day’s travel time.
  Caravanserais served as an informal __10__ point for the various people who travelled the Silk Road.__11__,those structures became important centers for culture __12__ and interaction,with travelers sharing their cultures,ideas and beliefs,__13__ talking knowledge with them,greatly __14__ the development of several civilizations.
  Caravanserais were also an important marketplace for commodities and __15__ in the trade of goods along the Silk Road.__16__,it was frequently the first stop merchants looking to sell their wares and __17__ supplies for their own journeys.It is __18__ that around 120000 to 15000 caravanserais were built along the Silk Road,__19__ only about 3000 are known to remain today,many of which are in __20__.
  1.A.displayed   B.occupied   C.located  D.equipped
  2.A.privately  B.regularly  C.respectively  D.permanently
  3.A.definition  B.transition  C.substitution  D.combination
  4.A.classify  B.record  C.describe D.connect
  5.A.apart from  B.instead of  C.such as  D.along with
  6.A.construction  B.restoration  C.impression  D.evaluation
  7.A.doubted  B.faced C.accepted  D.reduced
  8.A.assigned B.subjected  C.accustomed  D.opposed
  9.A.so that  B.even if  C.now that  D.in case
  10.A.talking  B.starting C.breaking  D.meeting
  11.A.by the way  B.on occasion  C.in comparison  D.As a result
  12.A.heritage  B.revival  C.exchange  D.status
  13.A.with regard to  B.in spite of C.as well as  D.in line with
  14.A.completing  B.influencing  C.resuming  D.pioneering
  15.A.aided  B.invested  C.failed  D.competed
  16.A.Rather  B.Indeed  C.otherwise  D.However
  17.A.go in for  B.standard up for C.lose in on  D.stock up on
  18.A.believed  B.predicted  C.recalled  D.implied
  19.A.until  B.because  C.unless  D.although
  20.A.ruins B.debt  C.fashion  D.series
  located后面outside the walls of a city or village表示位置只有located可以后接地址,表示坐落在……地方
  combination空后面接了of the Persian word“karvan”和and seray,a palace or enclosed building表示是这两个词的结合体词为combination,
  describe根据上一句对与词Caravanserais的解释,这一句也是表示同义方向的内容,用来解释The Perm caravan,这里只有描述这个词可以表达词义。
  such as groups of people是前面的大范畴的名词短语,而空后面merchants,travellers or pilgrims为小范畴的内容,所以需要表示列举关系,只有such as复合语义。
  construction根据第一段第一句表示Caravanserais……were built可以看到同义句意the construction of the Caravanserais。
  faced前一句讲到safe place,后面Travellers……possibility of being attacked,这里需要一个动词搭配,带入可知只有旅行者面临被袭击的可能性。
  subjected根据and的前后语义一致原则,前面提到将面临袭击,后面也要接贬义色彩的内容,根据搭配be subjected to表示遭受不好的东西与前面语义色彩一直。
  【9】A.so that前面提到Caravanserais被有计划的放置,后面接的是they could be reached in a day’s travel time.可以看出前后为因果关系,只有so that后接结果。
  【10】D.meeting Caravanserais被当作an informal非正式的……point地点,前面讲到人们在旅行日到达这里,所以这里只能是meeting point见面的地点。
  【11】D.As a result前后提到Caravanserais served as an informal meeting point(Caravanserais被当作一个非正式会面的点),空格后接those structures became important centers(这些地方被当作重要的中心),可以得出前后为因果关系,只有as a result,可以满足。
  exchange and前后词义相近,与interaction”互动;交往”词义相近的是exchange“交换;交流”。
  as well as文中独立主格中with travelers sharing their cultures,ideas and beliefs,()talking knowledge with them可以看出sharing cultures,ideas and beliefs和后面talking knowledge with them为并列关系,只有as well as符合正确答案。
  influencing前面提到sharing their cultures,ideas and beliefs,as well as talking knowledge with them,动作the development of several civilizations.带入只有influence符合语义。
  aided前面讲到Caravanserais were also an important marketplace for commodities表示一个褒义的色彩,而and后内容需要保持一致,只有aided符合语义色彩。
  Indeed前一句讲的是重要市场,后面句子it was frequently the first stop merchants looking to sell their wares也表示售卖商品,语义一致,只有indeed符合语义。
  stock up on and前面讲到商人卖货,后面空格又接了supplies供给只有stock up on储存符合文义。
  predicted空格后提到round 120000 to 15000 caravanserais were built,是一个预估的事情,所以只能选择predicted.
  ruins前面提到……remain today与之在同义语域的只有in ruins“毁灭,消失”。



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