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来源:考研招生网 liuhuimin 2022-12-26
  Section I Use of English
  1.C located
  2.A privately
  3.B transition
  4.C describe
  5.C such as
  6.A construction
  7.B faced
  8.B subjected
  9.A so that
  10.D meeting
  11.D As a result
  12.C exchange
  13.C as well as
  14.B influencing
  15.A aided
  16.B Indeed
  17.D stock up on
  18.A believed
  19.D although
  20.A ruins
  Section II Reading Comprehension
  Part A
  Directions:Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing A.B.Cor D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER
  SHEET(40 points)
  Text 2
  “with record-high home prices and historically lowinventory”可知现行租
  (its housing supply is at a very low rate),故选择A。
  【解析】根据题干中的the bill定位到第二段的末句,其中关键信息是
  illegal..restricting short-termrentals“限制短期租房是不合法的”,言外之意是可以“短期租房”,与D allow a free short-term rental market“允许
  【解析】本题是要对比两个人的观点,重点考核Taylor的观点,定位到第三段。其中提到without enough affordable housing...,employers are having a hard time a ttracting employees,and workers are having a hard time finding a place to l ive.由此可见affordable housing的重要性。因此B中的Increase in affordable housing与其是同义替换。所以答案选B
  【解析】根据题干关键词“Horn emphasize”定位到第五段,整段都是Horn的观点,A选项中的upgrade“升级”,文章没有提到。B中的local housing market也没有提到。C中stop developers from evading taxes组织开发商偷税,与最后一句话shouldn't a developer...be treated and taxed?是同义转换,因此C正确。
  D中的producers for renting“租房流程”文章没有提到,属于无中生有。所以本题选C。
  imposing registration requirement定位到最后一段,后面提到了
  benefit,but have to build a lot more,对应D中的inadequate“不充分”
  31.A.an ongoing conflict.
  32.C.To respond to PRH's business move.
  33.B.The credit limit will be removed
  34.A.Sales of books by mid-list PRH writers fall off considerably.
  35.D.The merger of publishers is a worrying trend
  Text 4
  Scientific papers are the recordkeepers of progress in research.Each year researchers publish millions of papers in more than 30,000 journals.
  The scientific community measures the quality of those papers in a number ofways,including the perceived quality of the journal(as reflected by the title's impact factor)and the number ofcitations a specific paper accumulates.The careers of scientists andthe reputation of their institutions depend on the number and
  prestige ofthe papers they produce,but even more so on the citations attracted by these papers Citation cartels,where journals,authors,and institutions conspire to inflate citation numbers.have existed for a long time.In 2016.researchers developedan algorithm to recognize suspicious citation patterns,including
  groupsof authors that disproportionately cite one another and groups of journals that cite each other frequently to increase the impact factors of their publications.Recently,another expression of this predatory behavior has emerged:so-called support service consultancies that provide language and othereditorial support to individual authors and to journals sometimes advise contributors to add a number of citations to their articles.The advent of electronic publishing and authors'need to find outlets for their papers resulted in thousands of new journals.
  The birth of predatory journals wasn't far behind.These journals can act as milk cows where every single article in an issue may cite a specific paper or a series ofpapers.In some instances,there is absolutely no relationship between the content of the article and the citations.The peculiar part is that the journal that the editor is supposedly working for is not profiting at all-it is just providing citations to other journals.Such practices can lead an articleto accrue more than 150 citations m the same year that it was published.
  How insidious is this type of citation manipulation?In one example an individual-acting as author,editor,and consultant-was able to use at least15journals as citation providers to articles published by five scientists at three universities.The problem is rampant in Scopus,a citation database which includes a high number of the new“international"journals.In fact,a listingin Scopus seems to be a criterion to be targeted in this type of citation manipulation.
  Scopus itself has all the data necessary to detect this malpractice.Red flags includea large number of citations to an article within the first year And for authors who wish to steer clear of citation cartel activities:when an editor a reviewer,or a support service asks you to add inappropriate
  references,do not oblige and do report the request to the journal
  36.According to Paragraphl,the careers of scientists can be determined by
  [A]how many citations their works contain
  B]how many times their papers are cited
  C]the prestige of the people they work with
  D]the status they have in scientific circles
  37.The support service consultancies tend to
  [A]recommend journals to their clients
  B]list citation patterns their clients
  [C]ask authors to include extra citations
  D]advise contributors to cite each other
  38.The Function of the“milk cow"journals is to
  [A]boost citation counts for certain authors
  B]help scholars publish articles at low cost
  [C]instruct First-time contributors in citation
  D]increase the readership of new journals.
  39.What can be learned about Scopus From the last two paragraphs?
  A]It Fosters competition among citation providers
  <B>It has the capability to identify suspicious citations[C]It hinders the growth of"international"journals
  D]It established to prevent citation manipulation
  40.What Should an author do to deal with citation manipulators?
  [A]Take legal action<B>Demand an apology
  CI Seek professional advice
  D]Reveal their misconduct
  【解析】本题为细节题,根据题干关键词可以定位到第一段最后一句,The careers ofscientists and the reputation of their institutions depend on the number and prestige of the papers they produce,but even more so on the citations attracted by these papers.由本句中的but even more so on the citations attracted by these papers.可知,The careers of scientists更加依赖的是这些论文吸引的引用量,由此可知B选项“他们的论文被引用了多少次”为正确选项。
  【解析】本题为细节题,根据题干关键词The support service consultancies可以定位到第二段最后一句Recently.another expression of this predatory behavior has emerged:so-called support service consultancies that provide language and other editorial support to individual authors and to journals sometimes advise contributors to add a number ofcitations to their articles,本句最后提到“建议贡献者在他们的文章中添加一些引用”也即是说需要写文章的人自己添加引用,由此可知C选项,“要求作者添加额外的引用”为正确答案。而D选项“建议贡献者相互引用”为干扰项,文章并没有提到贡献者要相互引用。
  【解析】本题为细节题,根据题干信息“milk cow”可以定位到第三段第三句Thesejournals can act as milk cows where every single article in an issue may cite a specific paper or a series of papers.由本句可知“一期的每一篇文章都可以引用一篇或一系列论文"也即是说milk cow能够增加引用量,因此A选项“提高某些作者的引用量”为正确答案
  【解析】本题是一题微观推理题,根据题干关键词Scopus回文分别定位到第四段第二、三两句,以及第五段开篇部分。根据第五段开篇部分“Scopus itself has all the data necessarv to detect this malpractice(Scopus本身拥有检测这种不当行为所需的所有数据。)”说明Scopus有能力发现这种在论文引用上的不当行为,文中的“this malpractice”即指上文中的“citation manipulation”,对比四个选项,只有B项与原文形成呼应,故为正确答案。
  【解析】本题是一题事实细节题,根据题干关键词author和deal with citation manipulators回文分别定位到第五段到三句“when an editor arevieweror a support service asks you to add inappropriate references do not oblige and do report the request to the journal.(当编辑、审稿人或支持服务要求你添加不适当的参考文献时,不要勉强,而是要向期刊报告这一要求)”。说明,作为作者,应能揭露这种行为。对比四个选项,只有D项与原文形成呼应,故为正确答案。
  (46)AIcan also be used to identify the lifestyles choices of customers regardingtheir hobbies.favorite celebrities.and fashions to provide unique content in marketing messages put out through social media
  (47)Some believe that AI is negatively impacting on the marketer's role by reducing creativity and removing jobs,but they are aware that it is a way of reducing costs and creating new information
  (48)Algorithms used to stimulate human interactions are creating manyof these concerns.especially as no-one is quite sure what the outcomes ol using Al to interact with customers will be.
  (49)If customers are not willing to share data,AI will be starved of essential information and will not be able to function effectively or employ machne learmng to improve its marketing content and communication
  (50)The non-intrusive delivery of the marketing message in a way that is sensitiveto the needs oftarget customers is one of the critical challenges to the digital marketer.



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