
考研复试 考研调剂

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来源:考研招生网 liuhuimin 2023-01-17
  I.Sentence Translation(30 points)
  1.Translate the following sentences into English(15 points).
  2.Translate the following sentences into Chinese(15 points).
  (1)He did nothing beyond writing a letter.
  (2)There is no more dependency to be placed on his words than there is on the wind.
  (3)The two leaders found it beneficial to have this opportunity,after so many years without contact,to present candidly to one another their views on a variety of issues.
  II.Passage Translation(70 points)
  1.Translate the following passage into English(35 points)
  2.Translate the following passage into Chinese(35 points)
  The Northern states had all outlawed slavery by 1830,but the Southern states,in which slaves had become the backbone of the economy,maintained the institution until it was finally ended by the Civil War,President Lincoln emancipation of slaves in 1863,and the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865.But even after the abolition of slavery,wholesale discrimination was practiced against black Americans.Many states passed segregation laws to keep the races apart in schools,housing,restaurants,and other public facilities,while institutionalized discrimination kept blacks in the lowest-paid jobs.A variety of methods,such as rigged literacy tests,were used to keep blacks off the voters’rolls and thus prevent them from exercising their political rights.Segregation laws continued to be enforced in Southern states until the 1950s:in the North informal methods were used often just as effectively.
  III.Composition(50 points)
  Direction:Write a composition with no less than 400 words based on the Chinese saying“千里之行始于足下”.



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